How to recall a private number Over the last few days you have received some calls from private numbers but you have never had time to respond or in any case, even if you have succeeded, you did not understand who they were from. Intrigued by the thing and eager to discover the real identity […]
How to use Movie Maker You have to do the editing of a video on your computer, but since you are full of commitments, you do not have time to use a professional software to accomplish this task. I bet you would like to know how to use Movie Maker; you have always underestimated this […]
How YouTube works Would you like to understand how to make the most of YouTube’s potential? Are you thinking of opening your own channel, uploading your creations and maybe making some money? Would you like to access YouTube from your mobile devices, wherever you are, but you do not know how? Do not worry, you […]
How to sign up for Amazon Prime Amazon has become the point of reference for all your purchases: on the famous e-commerce site you have bought every kind of product, from the latest generation smartphone to all the birthday gifts for your relatives and your friends. You have discovered that Amazon dedicates numerous benefits and […]
How android Auto works You have just bought a new car with the Android Auto system installed as standard, would you like to configure it better but you have no idea how? No problem, if you want I’m here to give you a hand and explain how it works Android Auto: I assure you that […]
How to heve followers on Instagram for free You’ve been writing to Instagram for a long time, and yet you have not been able to depopulate on this social network yet. You asked yourself what this “failure” was and, thinking you were wrong about something, you decided to look on the Internet as a free […]
How to make GIF on WhatsApp GIFs are now a fashion on Facebook, on Twitter and, in the end, for the joy of all lovers of these animated images, the GIF have arrived on WhatsApp! The popular messaging application has introduced support for these hugely popular images that have all of a sudden become a […]
How to download Minecraft for free on iPhone After having heard about it with great enthusiasm from all your friends, finally you decided to download Minecraft on your “iPhone”. Too bad that you expected it to be a free game and instead, despite yourself, you have discovered that it is paid. Disappointed by the thing, […]
How to put links on Instagram After reading my guide on how to make money with Instagram, you’ve decided to open your first account and try to make some extra money. You have already published your first contents, connected all your social accounts, got the first “Like” and the first followers. Things are going well […]